Friday, September 23, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week…

In our homeschool this week…we have been playing a little catch-up as I allowed daughter a few days off to spend some time with her "Mama" (grandmother).

I am inspired by…our church's 50th anniversary. We are celebrating Silver and Gold this Sunday. The pastor who started the church 50 years ago will be there along with our pastor who celebrates 25 years as our pastor!

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…Hubby and I actually had a "date" this week while daughter was visiting her Mama. We got to see a movie. It had been a while since just the two of us went to see a movie together. While daughter visited her Mama, they went on a field trip to see the Ramsey House, Where the Two Rivers Meet, Fort Dickerson, Medal of Honor display at the World's Fair Park and played in the water fountain there. They had a very fun day and RC's and Moon Pies too!

My favorite thing this week was…walking with my husband. We are trying to walk as a family for our health and to help lower his blood pressure. We are taking it easy-nothing strenuous.

Things I’m working on…same thing-different week.

I’m reading…still trying to finish Uncle Tom's Cabin (nearing the end) and the first Harry Potter book (which is surprisingly interesting to this 50-something Mom).

What I’m cooking…I'e done a lot of cooking of new recipes this week. I really liked the Pimiento Cheese and the Country Ham and Corn Casserole the best.

I’m grateful for…God's provision for us and for my family.

I’m praying for…my husband's blood pressure, stress and job search.

That's what's happening at Second Star Academy. Thanks for visiting and come back again.



Amy S said...

Hooray for DATE NIGHT! : Oh how i love those! Even if they are few and far between to go OUT ... we always enjoy time together when our L/O is sleeping! :) ... dinners, movies :) but its just something about dressing and going OUT of the house! that feels so good! Good for you two! Stopping by from HMJ

Unknown said...

Praying for your husband. May God answer the prayers soon.

Stopping by from HMJ.

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