Yep. I said I wouldn't be around much but just had to post this picture of my hubby. Do you see the antennae on his head? He is being a busy bee around the house today. He has a lot on his plate. Procrastination has snuck up and bit him in the bee-hind. lol That's him picking the feathers out of daughter's mattress pad cover. Huh, you ask? Well, we like feather beds. Mommy and Daddy have a king sized one. Daughter's is shedding. Actually hubby said it looked like it had thrown up feathers. He stripped the bed so I can wash everything and even though the feather bed is on the mattress with the mattress pad cover over it, feathers crept out every where. I guess this should be done more often and the mess wouldn't seem quite so overwhelming. I have some laundry drying on the deck, or we would bring the feather bed itself down, but I don't want icky feathers all over my clean clothes! Tomorrow would be a better day to shake that baby out and drape it over the deck to get some fresh air and sunshine.
Clothes on the deck, you ask? I have a hang away thangy that I bought from QVC or HSN that is a neat little contraption that folds up and is easily put away. I like to open it up and put it out on the deck and "line" dry clothes every once in a while. I love that fresh smell. Pollen is a culprit though if you have allergies. The clothes are a little stiffer but that seems to go away quite quickly once you put on the clothes. Why is that? Also, the dryer is sounding a little worse for wear lately. Sometimes it sounds like there's a donkey in my laundry room! lol
My servants, the dishwasher and the washer and dryer, are working away for me today. I love my electric servants, don't you? I have done a pretty good job of trying to do a load of laundry every day or so rather than letting it wait until Monday and trying to do it all. With my back giving me grief, I find the once a day or so laundry job to be much easier for me. But, today I am working on the girl's bed linens, curtain topper, and the guest room linens, all the way down to the bed skirt. In between, I hand wash a few kitchen items and sit in my big red comfy recliner with my laptop, sipping coffee or water, studying Ezra, (enjoying my Logos Bible program), planning my week, and searching the web.
We didn't have our date night last night. Our church had a One Night marriage event and we registered to attend and even paid the $10 but my head was hurting and Robert seemed overwhelmed by prepping for his Marketing class he is teaching for LMU on Tuesday. He is almost done with his syllabus. He teaches this class on Tuesday evenings for five weeks. After that he has a Project Management class for seven weeks here in Knoxville. We are so thankful for his position as Adjunct Professor at LMU. This is part-time work, but it is work. If it works out for him, this could be something he continues to do after getting a full-time job.
Okay. Enough yakking. Back to work for me.
Hope all of you are having a good weekend too. Productive, relaxing, or otherwise.
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