Friday, February 27, 2009

What's going on in my world.

Haven't blogged in a while and thought I had better write something. Let's see...

Today, I went and got my hair cut and styled. Colored too. But in the future I will be doing the coloring myself. I hated to tell my hairdresser that. But it is much cheaper to just do it myself. Why do we get so attached to our hairdressers? What's with that?

I returned some books back to the library. On time too! And checked out the three Tightwad Gazette books. I've read really good things about these. I can't wait to peruse them.

We're having some friends over for dinner tonight. I'm making my layered salad, crispy oven fried chicken, corn on the cob and sugar-free banana pudding. Gotta cut calories somewhere!

Dd has finished Upwards basketball and is all signed up for Upwards soccer. Her first game is April 4th. I was surprised when she said she would do it. It will be good for her.

Dh is taking classes on Saturday mornings at Robyn's school. He is getting some IT certification that he has been wanting. It is self-paced and he is enjoying it and learning things he didn't know. He is a computer geek but pretty much self-taught. Now he can earn the certifications to prove he really is a geek! He'll be certifiable! lol

We are going to drive up to see Mom and Dad on Saturday. I haven't been up there since sometime in January. Bad daughter, bad daughter. They want to see their granddaughter. Who can blame them?

Sunday, our missions conference begins at church. I 'm looking forward to seeing our missionaries. Robert is working the A/V room that morning. He really enjoys that. So I'll go off to our Adult Bible Fellowship all alone. I miss him when he is not with me.

I got off my big behind and made myself go grocery shopping yesterday. Boy, it has really been a chore for me to do this lately. What's with that? The winter doldrums? I enjoy perusing the sale ads, making my menu, and making my shopping lists. It's just getting myself to the stores that seems to be difficult lately. I want spring! Darn it!

Well, guess I better get busy on the nana pudd and salad. Have a great weekend!


1 comment:

Debbie J said...

You will love the Tightwad Gazette Books!

I just went on line and renewed a bunch of books that would have been over due after today. Whew! Almost forgot again. Those three weeks go by so fast, and as many books as I have the fines add up.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.