Friday, November 30, 2012

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

It's been a few weeks since I've participated in this blog hop.  We have been out of town and super busy.  But here is what's been happening around here.

In my life this week:  My daughter and I returned from a week out of state and I have spent a good part of this week catching up on laundry, restocking the pantry and fridge and doing lots of cooking.

In our homeschool this week:  It seems like we are forever trying to get caught up.  I'm determined to get daughter through most of her pre-algebra before her SAT's in March so that she can at least have some familiarity with the concepts!  lol

My favorite thing this week:  Coming home.  I love going on vacation but when it is time to return home it always feels so good.  Why is that?  I think I just love my home too much to stay away too long.

Things I'm working on:  Daughter and I have been using the treadmill and exercise bike.  Since we sold our dining room furniture, we have turned out dining room into a gym.  Doesn't everyone peddle on their exercise bike under a brass chandelier?  We do.  It keeps us from walking into it and bumping our head and feeling like an idiot.  lol

I'm reading:  I have way too many books going.  I have been reading three things on my phone at night, Mark Twain's biography, a Lincoln biography and believe it or not a biography of Susan B. Anthony.  All are very interesting.  While on vacation, I bought a book called The Story of England which I think my MIL will enjoy when I am finished with it.  Daughter wants me to read all of her Percy Jackson and the Olympians books.  I want to, but I haven't finished the Harry Potter series yet.  I think I need to curb my Youtube obsession and do more reading.

I'm cooking:  I did a lot of home cooking this week. We ate too much take out on vacation, not the worst food, but not the healthiest either, and I had a hankering for some good cookin'.  I made Texas Lasagna which is a Seay favorite that we haven't had in a while.  I made an extra pan for the freezer.  I made a pot of mixed beans and fried potatoes along with a new recipe of macaroni and cheese this week for a little southern flavor.  I made a long time favorite of sausage casserole along with some yummy green beans and an apple crisp.  I think this was my favorite supper this week.  All of this made for some delicious packed lunches for hubby too.

I'm grateful for: I am most grateful for my family and our love for one another.

I'm praying for:  Family and friends who have lost loved ones in the past few weeks and have very sick family members.

Photo to share:  Our little Christmas tree in the kitchen.

Thanks for stopping by Second Star Academy.  You are always welcome to visit here!




Songbird said...

We may sit in a library, and still be at all corners of the world.

Chaos Cottage said...

Such a deep thought daughter!

Songbird said...

@ChaosCottage Rumpelstiltskin said that... :P