Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy October 1st!

Yep, it's a brand new month.  A brand new start.  I'm in Florida with family enjoying a little vacation.  We went to see Ponce Inlet Lighthouse today.  Tomorrow, we may drive up to St. Augustine and visit that historic little town and their lighthouse as well.  I love lighthouses.

My daughter and I drove to an outlet mall yesterday and went to our first ever Cosmetic Company Outlet Store.  We found out we have one near home in Sevierville.  You can bet we will be checking that one out soon. We also went to our first Ulta.  We are getting one at home soon.  We are anxiously waiting for it to open.

I'll be back home this weekend and will post some vacay photos.  Hope you all have a blessed day and a wonderful start to a brand new month.


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