Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thinking about next week

Tomorrow starts the first day of a new week. I am feeling much better. This cold has just about left me. I see my husband coming back to life and daughter is better too. So, my mind begins to wander into the coming week and thinking about all the things I need to do to get caught up from doing nearly nothing for a good while. Here are my plans:

1. Grocery shopping
2. Haircut appointment
3. Dh needs a cut too.
4. Dh and I celebrate our birthdays this week-dinner out
5. Get drivers license renewed - new picture time - yipee! - not!!!
6. Awana/Narnia Class
7. Small Group
8. Visit mom and dad
9. Make homemade bread and goodies for daughter's lunches (instead of store bought)
10. Give the house a good going over-way over due.
11. Get caught up on reading/Chronological Bible and Narnia
12. Possibly try to practice crocheting again. I've only learned a few stitches.

Also, due to being sick, I didn't really get to participate in Frumpy to Fad
like I should and will attempt to do that this week. I want to start each day showered, dressed, including shoes and do my hair and makeup, just like I would if I was leaving the house to shop or go to church or work if I worked outside the home. This way I will be ready for whatever the day brings.

Have a great week,


1 comment:

Becky said...

When I homeschooled I had trouble getting dressed some days. Now that the boys are in public school I am doing better about getting dressed. I am actually finding it fun.