Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Crazy Love

Our church does Community Groups or some call them Small Groups. I still want to call them that. Any way, we are hosting one at our home on Monday evenings. We are doing the book, Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It is am awesome book and I highly recommend it. We also watch a few minutes of a DVD where he speaks to us. Here is a quote:

"I urge you to consider and actually live as though each person you come into contact with is Christ."

Crazy Love
by Francis Chan
w/ Danae Yankoski

Can you imagine doing that? I'm gonna try. And I'm gonna start with my family first!



ComeHaveaPeace said...

Pam, so glad you are hosting a group, and I know it will be a great study for you together. Saw your note about P Sam and the dougnuts. :) Believe it or not, he said that he loved the langousche MORE than DD! Imagine that! :)
- Julie@comehaveapeace

wdworkman said...

Your book quote was enough to intrigue me. I'm adding it to my books to read this year list.

Janet W