Monday, April 6, 2009

Menu this week

I had back trouble last week and didn't get to fix everything on my menu. Dh fixed breakfast for dinner, soup and sammies, bought take-out pizza etc. He's handy that way. lol

Today: I had a cheese sammie and Pringles, dh had dd's leftover Silver Spoon dinner. Mil and aunt take her out on Mondays and she couldn't finish her meal. Yummy meal for dh.

Tuesday: Reuben Chicken (a family favorite), green beans, rolls

Wednesday: Pinto Bean Casserole (using Sage sausage because that is what dh bought. I have never had it.)

Thursday: Chili Rice Dinner (using turkey), Tex Mex Biscuits (these are yummy) and salad

Friday: Parcheezy Spaghetti, salad and spaghetti bread (may have guests over)

Saturday: Lunch: Tuna Mac and Cheese Dinner: Turkey sloppy joes, onion rolls, pasta salad

Sunday: Dinner at Mother In Love's-Ham and all the fixin's. Don't know what I will be making and taking yet, but definitely a cute little peeps cake that turns out looking like a sunflower.


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