Monday, April 27, 2009

Had a wonderful weekend!

Saturday evening I returned home from the Women's retreat. Our speaker, Gwen Smith, was wonderful and had a terrific message. She is a great singer and incorporates songs all throughout her teaching. I was really blessed by her and her testimony. There were door prizes and I won the $50 gift card to Salon Visage! Wow, I was truly blessed. I'll be making an appointment to get my little piggies done! Yay me!

On the drive up on Friday, Jami and I stopped by a cute little place in Chuckey, Tennessee called the Farmer's Daughter. It is a family style restaurant and boy was it good. We couldn't eat it all and had to get our dessert to go. Next door is the Mountain View Bulk Food Store. It is an Amish/Mennonite store. We spent at least and hour in there. There were homemade baked goods, cookbooks, all sorts of mixes, flours, breakfast oats, cheeses, cold cuts, jams and jellies, you name it. I'll definitely be going back. I came back with all kinds of yummies for my family. Yum-o!

I was so wiped out I missed Sunday School but felt like I had been in "church" all weekend with all these lovely ladies from my church. This is the fourth year I have attended our women's retreat and feel really blessed to get to go.


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