Friday, January 2, 2015

My goals for 2015

As I said in an earlier post, my goals for this year are much the same as previous years.  But my number one goal is to sell this house and move to a new one.  We had a showing today, so maybe things are picking up again. 

So here are my goals for 2015:

1.  Sell home.
2.  Buy new home.
3.  Unpack, unpack, unpack.  Yay!

Family Goals:
1.  More date nights (at least once a month).
2.  More family nights (movies, dinner out, events, game nights, etc.
3.  More visits with family.

Personal Goals:
1. Lose Weight.
2.  Exercise.
3.  Make needed doctor/dentist appointments.
4.  Take daily vitamins/supplements.
5.  Drink 8 cups of water daily.
6.  Get to bed earlier (this is a hard one).
7.  Continue to look into natural alternatives for medication.

Spiritual Goals:
1.  Bible reading.
2.  Prayer.
3.  Church .
4.  Gratitude journal.

1.  Scrapbooks caught up.
2.  Learn more crochet.
3.  Read more books (shoot, since I've discovered YouTube I have a hard time cracking a book!).

So that's my list for 2015.  How about you?  Do you set goals at the start of every new year?

Thanks for stopping by.


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