Do any of my readers have any experience selling on ebay? We have many things that are too nice for a yard sale and would like to get top dollar for. We have a couple pieces of furniture we may sell on craigslist as well. Any feedback, good or bad, would be greatly appreciated.
We've sold stuff on eBay and on Craigslist. Never really had a problem either way. It's a little of a hassle knowing how much things weigh beforehand so you know how much to charge for shipping.
So how did you handle the weight thing?
I've always used Craig's list. We sold a brand new fridge that didn't fit in our house and since 2 people really wanted it, we ended up coming out with $150 more than what we paid for it. The nice thing about Craig's is that it is mostly people within an hour or two of your area, so they can just come pick it up.
For small items, I used a postal scale. I boxed them up and weighed them before I listed them. I don't think I ever mailed anything that was too heavy for it. I suppose you could use your home scales the same way. Be sure to use media mail if you're sending books or commercially recorded CDs, DVDs, tapes.
I've never sold anything on eBay, but I have been very fortunate with Craigslist. Have you tried Craiglist before??
A great person to check with would be Tim C in One Accord. He has a lot of experience with ebay. I haven't been a "seller," but I've been a buyer. :)
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